Reeti side: Launch ReetiUrbiServer1, Launch ReetiUrbiServer on Reeti
VSM side: Change Voice Settings
ReetiUrbiServer can be downloaded from github.
git clone
How to compile :
How to launch(The project should be launched on Reeti):
- open this project in netbeans(Ensure that the Java Platform is JDK 1.8).
- open "ReetiUrbiServer" properties, choose "Library".
- add liburbijava.jar from directory "/usr/local/gostai/share/sdk-remote/java/lib".
- add CereproTtsServer.jar from directory "ReetiUrbiServer/dist/lib".
- if you need to use CerepeocTts, Add cerevoice_eng.jar If you do not have cerevoice_eng.jar, please go to
- build.
file: ./res/serverConfig.propertiesPort
- if you do not use CerepeocTts, change the value of CereproTts_Used to false.
- if you need to use CerepeocTts
- change the value of CereproTts_Used to true.
- change the value of cereproc_lib_path to the directory of javalib. it should be (your cerevoice_sdk folder got from
- change the value of cereproc_voice to the directory of your voce file (eg 'cerevoice_heather_3.0.9_22k.voice').
- change the value of cereproc_license to the directory of your license file (eg 'license.lic').
- The port used in the project is 1256
file: project.xml (In VisualSceneMaker project)## Vocal Gestures and Emotion Tags Non-speech sounds, such as laughter and coughing, can be inserted into the output speech with CereProc Tts.
The child elementsdefine how an agent speaks.
change "language" val to "en"
chanage "voice" val to "Cereproc"
There are two ways to edit the voice Settings on VSM through editor window.
1, After we enter the VSM Welcome Screen, if you can find your project in the Recent Project list, right click on it, we can get the editor window.
2, After we enter the VSM Workspace, click Project Preferences button, we can get the editor window.
After we get the editor window, select the agent you are using, change the value of "language" to "en", chanage the value of "voice" to "Cereproc".
scene_en VocalGestures:Reeti emits laughter, and says "Hello world".
reeti: laughGesture, Hello world!
scene_en EmotionTags:Reeti will say "Hello world" happily.
reeti: HappyMode Hello world!
1, Launch ReetiUrbiServer, VSM and ReetiV2Engine separately.
2, Create a new project with VSM, and create an agent named reeti and change the value of "language" to "en", chanage the value of "voice" to "Cereproc".
3, Click Project Preferences button to change the IP setting of the reeti executor.
4, Drag a basic node to the SceneFlow Editor and rename it "Start". Then make that node to be actually the start node.
5, Click on the add button of the scene tab in Script Editor and add the following content:scene_en HelloWorld:'happy' is an Anim Command. Make sure 'happy' sequence has been created by you on Reeti.
reeti: Hello world![anim name='Emotions/happy'].
If you do not know how to create sequences, visit
In this example, Since 'Emotions/happy' and "Hello world" do not in the same sentence, 'Emotions/happy' can move bottomLip.
6, Drag "HelloWorld" from "Scenes" list in the Building Block panel on the left side to the "Start" node.
7, Click the Play button on the top toolbar, we will see Reeti says "Hello World!" and smiles.