
We have tried our best to make Visual SceneMaker very intuitive and simple to use. However, we strongly recommend you to follow these guidelines to speed up you familiarization with the tool.

Concept and Motivation

The VisualSceneMaker software component has two main operation modes: 1) model authoring, and 2) model execution. Technically, The VisualSceneMaker can be described as an software agent director. The VisualSceneMaker model consists of commands for various agents.

Commands for agents can be created with a Scenescript or directly.

Getting familiar with Scenescripts

Getting familiar with the Sceneflow language

Hands on excercises and guidance



For developers

Hints, best practice and code snippets for developers

Some other examples:

Gregor Mehlmann (2009)
An Interpreter for Parallel Processes Modeling Behavior of
Interactive Virtual Characters.
Master Thesis, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany.