Stickman image is made by __.dae__ and __.stl__ fails, which are in __res/BodyParts-Folder__ in __Stickman3D-Project__. You can change these files as you want. For modification we advise you to use __Cinema4D__ or __Blender__. If you use __Blender__ pay attention that to delete __camera__ and __lightning__ at the time of exporting. Otherwise __blender__ will make modificated figure not as __Mesh__ object but as __Group__ object export and at the time of compile Stickman3D you will get __ClassCastException__.
Open desired __.stl__ or __.dae__ fail in Cinema4D (File->Open). Pay attention that __STL/DAE Import__ will happen with __Factor 1 Centimeter__.
After finishing object's manipulating make export in __res/BodyParts-Folder__.Pay attention that __STL/DAE Export__ will happen with __Factor 1 Centimeter__.
Open desired __.stl__ or __.dae__ fail in __Blender__ (__File->import->stl or dae__).
__NOTE:__ Before you export object delete __Camera__ and __Lighting__. After finishing object's manipulating make export in __res/BodyParts-Folder__.