Back to Tutorials Index... ## Interruptive Edges Similarly to conditional edges, **interruptive edges** allow transition when a condition is fulfilled. They can be placed both in nodes and supernodes. The main characteristic of an interruptive edges is, as its name states, that interrupts execution of whatever the node is doing at certain point in time once the condition is fulfilled. For example, if we are executing some sceneflow inside a supernode, and this supernode is connected through a interruptive edge to another node. The execution on the supernode's sceneflow will be halted and the program will transition to the net node if the condition of the edge is fullfilled. Contrary to the conditional edge which will finish the current execution. Let's take the simple loop example we did in the tutorial on <a href="tut_ifthen.html">loops</a> and extend it by adding two more nodes connected by an interruptive edge (note that the timeout edges were substituted by epsilon edges, this doesn't affect the execution of the program, only spare us the 1000 wait). ![Alt text](../../images/tutorials/interruptive_1.png) Note that we have two different variables which we increment and the same condition for the transition. When playing the scene the interruptive edge will halt execution on N1 as soon as the condition is true, while the conditional edge will finish N4 command executions before jumping into the next node (look at the value of the variables) ![Alt text](../../images/tutorials/interruptive_2.png) Interruptive edges can be then very effective for cases when the execution of a series of commands becomes unimportant due to external conditions and we need to immediately jump to the next node.
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