Back to Tutorials Index... ## Using the property editor The property editor is used to set some necessary parameters, for example, the IP address of the computer running VSM, before we start the execution of the project. <br> There are two ways to get the editor window: <br> 1, Right click the project on the VSM Welcome Screen. <br> <img src="../../images/tutorials/rightClickProject.png" width="500" height="600" style="border:2px solid black" /> 2, Click on Project Preferences button on VSM Workspace. To active this function, we need to save the project first. <br> <img src="../../images/tutorials/HelloWorldExample3.png" width="500" height="600" style="border:2px solid black" /> <br> The name of the Project is in the first line in the upper left corner of the editor. To add a plugin for our project, we need to select Devices in the second line firstly, type a name (for example, "virtualReeti") secondly, select a executor (for example,StickmanTtsExecutor) from the combobox thirdly, and press Add Device button at the end. The name of the plugin will appear in the third line.<br> <img src="../../images/tutorials/vReetiHelloWorldExample5.png" width="500" height="600" style="border:2px solid black" /> By selecting the plugin (for example, "virtualReeti") and using the add function at the botom of the editor, we can initialize the values of some parameters. <img src="../../images/tutorials/vReetiHelloWorldExample6.png" width="500" height="600" style="border:2px solid black" /> A combobox is provided to add the parameters easily. Unfortunately, this feature is not available for all extensions. More details are available here: <a href="tut_showParametersInPropertyEditor.html">How to show the parameters of a extension in the property editor</a>. We can use two text fields to set the values of the parameters, too. The Advanced button and Basic button are offered to switch between different input methods. <img src="../../images/tutorials/switchDifferentMethods.png" width="500" height="600" style="border:2px solid black" /> After the parameters are added in the key/value list, we can change them by double clicking or delete them with the delete button. <img src="../../images/tutorials/modifyParateters.png" width="500" height="600" style="border:2px solid black" /> By right clicking the plugin (for example, "virtualReeti"), we can add new agents, whose name(s) will appear as a submenu below the name of the plugin. We can use the text fields at the botom to initialize the values of some parameters for the agent. <img src="../../images/tutorials/vReetiHelloWorldExample7.png" width="500" height="600" style="border:2px solid black"/> All the settings are saved in the project.xml at the end.
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