Back to Tutorials Index... ## What is Virtual Reeti <img src="../../images/tutorials/virtualReetiPortrait.png" width="300" height="360" /> Virtual Reeti is a 3D virtual character which is created by <a href="" target="_blank">Affective Computing Group</a> to perform social cue-based interaction with the user. <br/> The latest version of Virtual Reeti for developers is available on <a href="" target="_blank">github</a> (master brance).<br/> A plugin is created in Visual SceneMaker(VSM) to provide the input and output interfaces to Virtual Reeti. So we can use VSM to manage the character’s behavior easily.<br/> The latest version of VSM for developers is available on <a href="" target="_blank">github</a> (master brance).<br/> ## "Hello World" Example <blockquote> 1 Launch VisualSceneMaker<br/> Create a folder named tmp in the root directory, if the folder doesn't exist.<br/> Click Run > Clean and Build Project from the main menu to clean and build the project to generate an executable file.<br/> Click Run > Run Project from the main menu to launch Visual SceneMaker. <br/> After VSM is launched successfully, we will be welcomed by its Welcome Screen which is similar with the following picture.<br/> </blockquote> <img src="../../images/tutorials/VSMWelcomeScene.png" width="500" height="600" style="border:2px solid black"/> <br/> <blockquote> 2 After we get to VSM Welcome Screen, click "New Project", type a project name "HelloWorld". Then, click on OK button to enter VSM Workspace. </blockquote> <img src="../../images/tutorials/HelloWorldExample1.png" width="500" height="600" style="border:2px solid black" /> <blockquote> 3 Click on Save button to save our project to an empty folder (which will contain project.xml). </blockquote> <img src="../../images/tutorials/HelloWorldExample2.png" width="500" height="600" style="border:2px solid black" /> <blockquote> 4 Click on Project Preferences button, we will get the Property Editor window which can help us set some necessary parameters. </blockquote> <img src="../../images/tutorials/HelloWorldExample3.png" width="500" height="600" style="border:2px solid black" /> <blockquote> 5 Select Devices, type a name "virtualReeti", then, select the StickmanTtsExecutor from the combobox. After that, click on Add Device button. "virtualReeti" will be shown on the left side of the window. </blockquote> <img src="../../images/tutorials/vReetiHelloWorldExample5.png" width="500" height="600" style="border:2px solid black" /> <blockquote> 6 Select "virtualReeti", use the add function at the botom to add smhost, smport, stickman, fullscreen, tts, license, and cereproc_library_path to the Executor.<br/> "smhost" and "smport": IP address to connect VSM and Virtual Reeti.<br/> "stickman" indicates which virtual character we will use. We choose "Reeti" here.<br/> "fullscreen": The charater is shown at fullscreen when "fullscreen" is activated.<br/> "tts" specifies the TTS library. We use "cereproc" as an example here.<br/> "license": Path to the CereProc license. The path is not complete when we use the "Add" button. We need to append the name of the license to path by double clicking the path in the key/value list.<br/> "cereproc_library_path": Path to the CereProc library.<br/><br/> A free version of CereVoice Engine SDK is available <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.<br/> To use the CereProc library on Windows, the 3rdparty/lib and/or 3rdparty/lib64 directories must be added to the path environment variables. </blockquote> <img src="../../images/tutorials/vReetiHelloWorldExample6.png" width="500" height="600" style="border:2px solid black" /> <blockquote> 7 Right click on "virtualReeti", select add new agent. We can change the name of the agent by double clicking. Let's change the name to "reeti". </blockquote> <img src="../../images/tutorials/vReetiHelloWorldExample7.png" width="500" height="600" style="border:2px solid black"/> <blockquote> 8 Select the agent reeti, use the add button at the botom to add the language parameters to the agent.<br/> "default-voice": language used by the agent (German:de or English: en)<br/> "en"(or "de"): the path of the voice file for CereProc. If we choose "en" for "default-voice", we must give the path for the "en", otherwise we give the path for the "de". <br/> After that, close the Property Editor window to return to VSM Workspace. </blockquote> <img src="../../images/tutorials/vReetiHelloWorldExample8.png" width="500" height="600" style="border:2px solid black" /> <blockquote> 9 In the Workspace, click on the add button of the Scene tab in Script Editor and change the example template to:<br/><br/> scene en HelloWorld<br/> reeti: Hello World![Smile].<br/><br/> 10 Drag two simple nodes to the workspace and rename them "start" and "end" respectively. Make sure that the node named "start" is actually the start node (look for the red arrow).<br/> Drag a timeout edge to the "start" node and then click on the "end" node.<br/> Drag "HelloWorld" from "Scenes" list in the Building Block panel on the left side to the "end" node.<br/> </blockquote> <img src="../../images/tutorials/vReetiHelloWorldExample10.png" width="500" height="600" style="border:2px solid black" /> <br/> <blockquote> 11 Click on the Play button on the top toolbar, you will see reeti says "Hello World!" and smiles. </blockquote> <img src="../../images/tutorials/vReetiSmile.png" width="250" height="350" /> <br/> ## Videos of Reeti <video width="600" controls> <source src="../../video/Reeti-HeadNodGazeFixation.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> <br/>
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